Physical Theatre (1/3) An Introduction to Devising
Take your character development to the next level and learn about how Laban Movement can help you grow your own movement vocabulary and discover new ways to physicalise a character. You'll create your own solo physical theatre performance inspired by everyday activity, using the work of performing arts practitioner Laban.
About Karl Montgomery-Williams:
Karl is a drama graduate from Trinity Saint David, University of Wales, trained in singing at Trinity Guildhall and has gained a PGCE in Education from Cardiff University. As well as teaching Early Stages and Further Stages at Stagecoach Trowbridge, Westbury and Frome, Karl is Head of Performing Arts at Wiltshire College and University Centre. Notable achievements include being co-director for National Theatre Wales and being chosen as “Outstanding Singing Teacher” nominee at the 2019 Stagecoach Creative Courage for Life Teaching Awards.